Learn How to Play Guitar Chords Step by Step

Play Guitar Chords Step by Step
In this article, you will Learn How to Play Guitar Chords. I will tell you D chord, c chord, G chord, and E- minor chord step by step. After reading the article. You will able to play guitar chords.
You will hold your fingers (I = index, M = middle, R = ring finger, P = pinky). X represents strings that you will not strum, while O represents strings that will be played without any frets.
How to Play the D Chord
- Keep your index finger on the second line, the second fret, your middle finger on the second fret, and your ring finger on the third line.
- Leave the fourth wire open.
- Fasten the bottom four wires.
- Pay attention to the sound. That's the D-chord!
How to Play the C Chord
- Place your index finger on the second string, on the first fret, on the second finger on the fourth string, on your middle finger, and on the fifth string keep your ring finger on the third fret.
- Leave the first and second wire open.
- Tighten the five wires below and you will hear the C chord!

How to play G Chord
- Place your middle finger on the second string on the fifth string, your ring finger in the third-string on the sixth string, and your pink finger on the third string.
- Leave strings two, three, and four open.
- Strum all strings. This is the G chord!
How to play E-minor Chord
- Place your middle finger on the second line on the fifth line and your ring finger on the fourth line in the second finger.
- Leave strings one, two, three, and six open.
- Strum all strings. That is the E-minor chord

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